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Geo 135 Exam 1 Study Questions and Answers Top Graded 2024

Geo 135 Exam 1 Study Questions and Answers Top Graded 2024

Where do our ideas about places come from? - our knowledge of the world is mediated
-- media, culture, the internet, school, art, etc. etc. etc.
- experiences aren't immediate/direct
what are geographical imaginaries? - the collection of assumptions and ideas that we
have about places
what does geographic literacy entail? - asking the questions:
- where does this idea come from?
- who made/organized them, and for what purpose?
- do they have merit?
- do they occupy the correct amount of space in my head?
- what are the implications of these ideas?
Edward Said's Theory of Orientalism - argued that nations and regions consolidate their
national identity by creating a cultural opponent
- Orientalism names a European and American way of thinking about the Middle East
and Asia (feminine, uncivilized, irrational, mysterious, unchanging)
environmental determinist - the cause of something is determined by one's environment
What was the main argument in the Dittmer reading? - - Media can unconsciously
shape our understanding of current events, past, present, or future
- Media can have an impact on an audience's understanding of a people or scenarios
- Pop culture reflects changing realities
what are maps? - visual representation of some portion of the earth's surface
What are maps for? - they tell us where we are in relation to other things; so we know
how to get from one place to another
What does it mean to say that maps are artifacts? - they can tell us...
- level of development of the societies who made them (maritime and
materials/agricultural technology)
- what different societies understood as the whole world
- importance of religion and culture to a society
- social hierarchies
Why is cartographic literacy needed? - - maps can powerfully shape our understanding
of places

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