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Annotated Bibliography: Nursing

 Annotated Bibliography: Nursing

Paper instructions

Please refer to the assignment directions located in Module 3/Unit 4 activities.

The purpose of this assignment is to get you oriented to reading peer-reviewed literature and to critically analyze what you are reading. The articles and subject you choose must be related to your change project and support your idea for change. There must be three (3) articles reviewed in this assignment.

First, decide on the focus of your change project.

Go to the Albany State University Library site and conduct a literature review (the password for Galileo is located on the homepage of D2L) to locate appropriate information regarding your nursing practice theory of choice.
Ensure the articles are peer-reviewed, and within the last 5 years from today.
Once you locate three articles related to your change project, read them, analyze them and take notes. Then, after reading each article, select three to begin the annotation process.

Assignment directions: Write out the summary of each article to include a minimum of 300 words per annotation. There is no use of citations in-text for an annotated bibliography. AND, there is no use of direct quotes. This is a summary, so you are expected to use your own words. Ensure there is no plagiarism.

APA does not have a specific style for an annotated bibliography so I have created a template for you to follow. There is only one write-up in this example but remember to complete 3 for your assignment. Locate the word document and download and save. From this template, you can write directly into the file.

**** SAMPLE ***

This is the title of your paper
This is your name
Course Name and Number
Institution Name
Instructor Name
Date of Assignment

Annotated Bibliography
August-Brady, M. (2005). The effect of a metacognitive intervention on approach to and self-
regulation of learning in baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education.
44(7), ‪297-304‬. http://search.proquest.com/docview/203945364?pq-origsite=gscholar
Students from four baccalaureate programs participated in a study using of concept mapping, determined approach and self-regulation of learning. Approach to learning was defined as deep, understanding meaning in what is learned, and surface, learning the text and not putting much effort into meaning. Eighty participants, 35 in the treatment group and 45 in the control group, created a concept map utilizing the nursing process on an assigned patient. The treatment group was given an hour presentation on construction of concept maps and then required to complete six over the course of the semester. Analysis of the data revealed that the treatment group showed statistical significance in increasing deep learning approach and showed no statistical significance in surface learning approach. The control group showed a decrease in deep learning and an increase in surface of learning. The researcher attributes the increase in deeper learning to the metacognitive intervention. Concept maps, although time consuming, attribute to deeper learning and understanding of concepts. This leads to the conclusion that the learning was important and relative to the treatment group. The control groups findings lead the researcher to note that decreases in deep learning is indicative of current literature findings that suggest that higher education does not promote deep learning of material.

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Elizabeth Wanja

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