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Cabbage breeding techniques to improve fungal disease resistance

Cabbage breeding techniques to improve fungal disease resistance

The widely spread impact of fungal pathogens on human goes beyond the ability of fungi to spoil third
of all food crops annually(Fisher et al.,2012),thus leading to economical losses and affecting the
global poverty.Statisticsfrom 2009-2010 world harvest(www.Fao.org) mentioned the fungal-induced
losses in five globally important crops(rice,wheat,maize, potato,and soybean).Cabbage,being one of
the most cultivated vegetables,is prone to several nutrient deficiencies,pests,as well as fungal and
bacterial diseases.Inthisstudytheyappliedsetofstrategies: a conventional one to obtain a group of inbred
lines( hybrids) that are resistant to Cabbage Fusarium Wilt Disease and a
GenetictransformationusingAgrobacterium-tumefaciento know if (hCAP1/LL-37) peptide enhances
resistance to bacterial and fungal pathogens.The results suggest that resistant varieties which are
effective in control of CFW were obtained and that the human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide with
the substitution Met37Leu inhibited the growth of Pectobacteriumcarotovorum subsp. carotovorum
on the plant leaves, and conferred resistance to various fungal pathogens in Chinese cabbage.

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