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A nurse just receives a patient on arrival at the med-surg unit after
discharge from the post-anesthesia care unit. What should they
assess on the patient? - T: temperature
I: IV fluids
M: mental status
S: surgical incision site
T: tubes & drains
A: airway
B: breathing
S: skin
C: cardiovascular status
What are the risks associated with general anesthesia? - H:
A: airway compromise
R: respiratory depression
D: delirium
What are examples of regional anesthesia? - -nerve block
What are risks associated with regional anesthesia? - -hypotension
-spinal headache
What is the most critical assessment to perform after surgery? -
What should you look for PostOp related to fluids & blood loss? - -
-vital signs
What is a measurement of how well a patient's pain is managed
PostOp? - how mobile and participatory they are
What is the most likely source of a pulmonary embolism? - a
thrombus that formed in the femoral vein
What is med-surg nursing mainly concerned with? - tertiary
What is primary prevention? - no disease or injury is present
What are examples of primary prevention? - -vaccines
-healthy diet
-regular exercise
What is secondary prevention? - early detection and treatment
before disease becomes symptomatic, no symptoms
What are examples of secondary prevention? - -mammograms
-pap smear
-digital rectal exams
Secondary prevention can sometimes be primary prevention. True
or false. - false, secondary prevention can NEVER be primary
What is tertiary prevention? - preventing complications of
established disease or injury, symptoms present
What are examples of tertiary prevention? - surgical tumor
Describe the process of normal ventilation. - the diaphragm drops
and the chest expands causing negative pressure to draw into the

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