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NUR 3028 Elimination Sample questions

NUR 3028 Elimination Sample questions

What is the primary reason the nurse ensures that a patient's indwelling urinary catheter drainage tubing is free of kinks?

a. Kinks in the tubing cause the patient unnecessary discomfort.
b. Kinks allow the drainage bag to become overly full.
c. Kinks are associated with the development of urinary tract infection (UTI).
d. Kinks result in scant, dark amber-colored urine. - c. Kinks are associated with the development of urinary tract infection (UTI).

Which action promotes infection control when assisting a patient with a urinal?

a. Placing a clean urinal on the overbed table
b. Using a waterproof pad to protect the linen from urine spillage
c. Applying gloves before emptying and cleaning the patient's urinal
d. Asking if the patient would like to clean the genitals after using the urinal - c. Applying gloves before emptying and cleaning the patient's urinal

Which instruction would the nurse give to nursing assistive personnel (NAP) to ensure the patient's comfort when a condom catheter is applied?

a. Wash the penis before applying the catheter.
b. Clip the drainage bag to the bed.
c. Wear gloves when applying the condom catheter.
d. Use a hair guard before applying the condom catheter. - d. Use a hair guard before applying the condom catheter.

The nurse is preparing to administer an enema. How can the nurse best facilitate insertion of the rectal tube?

a. Place the patient in a side-lying position with the right knee flexed.
b. Lubricate the first 6 to 8 cm (2.5 to 3 inches) of the tip of the tube.
c. Flush the tube with the solution
d. Hold the tube in the rectum until all of the fluid has been instilled. - b. Lubricate the first 6 to 8 cm (2.5 to 3 inches) of the tip of the tube.

A dependent, confused patient is being given a bedpan. How can the nurse best ensure the patient's safety?

a. Respond promptly to the call light.
b. Raise the side rails on the bed before leaving the room.
c. Slide one hand under the patient's sacrum to help the patient lift off the bedpan.
d. Check in on the patient every 5 minutes until the bedpan can be removed. - b. Raise the side rails on the bed before leaving the room.

Which action would the nurse take to reduce the risk of infection among patients and staff when administering an enema to an older adult patient with dementia?

a. Lubricate the tip of the rectal tube.
b. Pad the patient's bed thoroughly.
c. Perform hand hygiene before donning gloves.
d. Help the patient onto a bedpan to expel the enema fluid and stool. - c. Perform hand hygiene before donning gloves.

All of the following factors are known to increase the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI) except which one?

a. History of fecal incontinence
b. Use of an indwelling urinary catheter
c. Drainage tubing is kinked
d. Use of plain soap instead of an antiseptic cleanser for perineal hygiene - d. Use of plain soap instead of an antiseptic cleanser for perineal hygiene

The nurse has delegated administration of a standard enema for a 72-year-old patient with constipation. Which statement made by nursing assistive personnel (NAP) requires the nurse to follow up?

a. "I'll warm up the solution before instilling it."
b. "I'll place the patient in the left side-lying position with the right knee bent."
c. "I'll put a waterproof pad under the patient before I start."
d. "I'll instill the solution and then check in on my other patients until I get the call signal." - d. "I'll instill the solution and then check in on my other patients until I get the call signal."

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